Don't tolerate the trials...Endure them...

So lately I've been dealing with a lot of drama and obstacles in my life, Physically mentally psychologically emotionally, spiritually name it; I've been dealing. At some point I thought I was going to have a mental break down; and then I thought I was having a mid-life crisis but since am not that old I chose to call in a "quarter life crisis". Dramatic I know, but you see, too many things were happening to me all at once felt like I was taking jabs from all directions and all the forces of nature were against me and I just couldn't seem to catch a break!!!
 Then I stopped; took a deep breath and said a prayer. I prayed because I didn't know what else to do but I knew that I needed guidance and divine intervention. It was the only way out. Nothing else was working out, nothing was going right but deep in my spirit I knew that this was a trial time that I had to deal with head on. At some point I thought I had reached the end of my road, but then the fact that I was still alive had to mean my purpose wasn't done yet. Then I thought to myself; "I don't have the strength or energy to deal with this" and then I asked "why does this always happen to me". Lost as I was, I found my way in a simple scripture as I had gone to church for the midweek service and the preacher talked about Paul asking God to remove the thorn from his flesh and God said to him   "My grace is all you need, because my power is perfected in your weakness." and Paul added "Therefore, I will most happily boast about my weaknesses, so that the Messiah's power may rest on me". 2Cor 12:9
That message shot like a dagger through my heart. I need not worry about anything because his grace is sufficient for me. When I am weak, his strength is manifested. So I should delight in my weaknesses.  I stopped with the self-pity and replaced it with positivity. "All things work together for the good of those who love the Lord, and so I will overcome this" I told myself. For a minute there I had forgotten that I Serve a greater God, he is bigger than my trials and worries and he is forever faithful.

Somehow I have managed to smile through my trials, Because I was able to endure them not tolerate them. You see, God gives us trials to transform us and make us better in accordance to his will and purpose for us. So when you embrace the trials, he gives you grace, he gives you exceeding joy but above all he gives us Victory in him as we become over-comers and not tolerators. You see, when you tolerate your trials, they weigh you down, you become bitter, and full of hate. But God is a God of love and when he brings us trials, he also gives us the grace to overcome them. So don't let your trials make you bitter by tolerating them, Instead let them make you better by enduring them. After all, you cant have a "testimony" without a "TEST".....
