My Blessing in Disguise

A little over a year ago, I found myself between a rock and a hard place, 2013 was the most difficult and trying year of my life. So trying that when I look back I can't believe I made it through alive and into 2014 because there was a time when I just didn't want to deal with the world. The icing on the cake came when I got a transfer at work that I wasn't too excited about because I thought it was taking me away from my desired career path. I remember trying so hard to resist it, but after going back and forth about it, and talking to my parents, I decided to take the leap of faith and see what the waters had for me. 

Settling in, was difficult. I wont lie. Even with my determination to make lemonade with the "lemons" life had thrown at me, it was outright difficult. So, I prayed about it, and decided to give my every last bit of energy to this new career path and see what it has to offer. A year later: NO REGRETS!!!! I recently got promoted at work, about four days ago to be exact and i'll tell you that had I stayed, this promotion would've come in ten years, but God saw me make lemonade with my lemons and He decided to add some sugar to it.

 Sometimes life throws us off track and we feel like we just jumped off a cliff and have no idea what's gonna happen after, believe me I have been through all the "why mes?" the" this wasn't supposed to happen like this", and I have learnt that God's plan is definitely the way to go. Especially in times of uncertainty. And lets face it, life is full of uncertainties. But sometimes we forget that God promised to make all things work for the good of those who love the Lord. Yes, ALL THINGS!!!! even the nasty. I have grown so much in the one year I have been in this new environment and I'm more than honored to be given the new opportunity to grow and blossom. This new position comes with a lot of responsibility but "to whom much is given, much is expected" and so I'm a little scared because I honestly wasn't ready or prepared. I'm still trying to fit in this new chair, and adjust to working with all these highly qualified professionals. I'm sure its going to be an interesting journey as I have so much to learn, which means I have more room to grow and although I'm scared, I am not worried because I trust in the will of God. 

We have all heard the saying "The will of God will never take you to where the Grace of God can not keep you" Easier said than done. My prayer every morning since I got this position has been that God sends me His grace to keep me and wisdom to guide me. Forgive this post for being all over the place, I just wanted to say that sometimes life knocks you down, and throws lemons at you, but if you dust yourself, and get back up, make some lemonade with those lemons, God will bring you sugar for an added taste. So don't dwell too much on what's going wrong, focus on how you can make the wrong work for you. 

I haven't figured out life yet, but this year has been so good to me, and it has taught me that when you let go and let God, He really does come though in the end. His will is definitely the way to go!!! It's only a matter of time, so just be patient
